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«Our Faith» - Series «The Saints»
John Paul II The book represents Karol Wojtyla’s reflection on his Episcopal service and is based on the events that took place since 1958. The book doesn’t lack either Holy Father’s recollections of his apostolic service after 1978. The original atmosphere of his narration makes the book close to the hearts of numerous Catholics.
In the Belarusian language. |
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Priest Yan Kremis CALL The doctoral thesis «Call To Unification In The Context Of The Anniversary Of The Year 2000. A Research On The Basis Of The Doctrine Of John Paul II». The book contains the reflections on the subject of the call to unification in the context of the Great Anniversary made on the basis of the doctrine of the Holy Father John Paul II which can become the subject of further scientific search for theologians as well as help for pastors and believers during revelation and understanding of the call to unification in the modern world. Scientific edition
In the Belarusian language. |
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John Paul II MEMORY “Memory and consciousness” is not only a book-reflection about the time where the Holy Father happened to live, but also a philosophic comprehension of the epoch which was characterized by the evil of two totalitarian systems – nazism and communism. The Pope investigates the roots of this evil, analyzes its nature and shows the ways of its overcoming by good. The base of the book are the talks of John Paul II with the famous Polish philosophers priest Josef Tyshner and professor Kshishtoff Michalsky which were held in 1993 in Kastel Gandolfo, his summer residence. These recorded talks have been waiting for publication for a long time. Five years ago died one of the interlocutors of the Pope – priest Josef Tyshner. The problems raised ten years ago are still of current importance, and the Pope returned to his reflections in order to (according to the Polish editors) extend and enrich them with new elements, in order to “give comprehension of up-to-date phenomena in the light of past events where he tried to find the roots of the events which happen nowadays, to give the contemporaries, individual persons and whole nations a chance to awake their selfconsciousness through an attentive return to the memory”. When this book of the Pope is read nowadays, the thought appears that the Holy Father was working on this book as he was on the threshold of the Eternity. And maybe therefore is his wish to give a hope to this world wounded by evil and patience, his aspiration for showing us that “every human patience, every pain, every weakness is fraught with a promise of rescue, of joy…“ so touching.
In the Belarusian language. |
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ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA Encyclical Letter of the Holy Father John The encyclical letter of the Holy Father John Paul II Ecclesia de Eucharistia is dedicated to the apostolic character of the Eucharist and the Church, the beauty of Eucharistic celebration, the role of the Eucharist in the life of the Church. In the encyclical letter there are numerous personal experiences and reflections of the Holy Father.
In the Belarusian language. |
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EVANGELIUM VITAE Encyclical Letter This encyclical letter is dedicated to value and inviolacy of human life. This book is very topical and necessary because in present-day world civilization of life is endangered by so-called civilization of death. Holy Father John Paul II with whole power of apostolic mission calls us to preach the evangel of life.
In the Belarusian language. |
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K. Wojtyla / John Paul II POETRY. SELECTIONS / ROMAN TRIPTYCH The poetry of the Holy Father John Paul II is a certain “poetic catechism”, where the author tells with inspiration about the Creator and the man, “inscribed in God’s plan of Salvation”. Karol Wojtyla’s poems appeared at the beginning of his priestly life. The Roman Triptych was written in 2002 by the Pope John Paul II. Theologian’s rich experience and a particular imagery of a man who is fond of true art and the beauty of the world are happily joined in this work.
Books awarded with diplomas of XLIV Republican Competition “Art of Book”.
In the Belarusian language. |
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ROSARIUM VIRGINIS MARIAE Apostolic letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II Apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II to the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful on the Most Holy Rosary. In this Letter the Pope calls us to reopen the Rosary prayer and proclaims the year from October 2002 to October 2003 the Year of the Rosary. This prayer known through the ages is now enlarged by the new, forth part. It includes five mysteries of Christ’s public ministry, the mysteries of light, namely: the Baptism in the Jordan, the First sign, given at Cana, the Proclamation of the coming of the Kingdom of God and call to conversion, the Transfiguration, the Institution of the Eucharist.
In the Belarusian and Polish languages.
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FIDES ET RATIO Encyclical Letter In his encyclical letter Pope John Paul II analyzes deeply and seriously extremely topical for our time problems of relationship between faith and reason, theology and philosophy, shows complicated ways of their interaction.
In the Belarusian language |
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John Paul II GIFT AND MYSTERY The book was written with the dedication to the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Pope John Paul II. Instructive experience of semicentennial way which has been offerred to the service of Church of Christ, laconic, given in chronological order milestones of his autobiography, deep and impressive reflections on the mystery of priest vocation, all this make the book a real gift for everybody who opens it.
In the Belarusian language |
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John Paul II TO CROSS THE THRESHOLD OF HOPE Bestseller of the catholic literature which saw the light in more than 20 languages. This is an interview of the famous Italian writer and journalist Vittorio Messori with Holy Father John Paul II. In the text you will find questions for understanding simple things: does the Vicar of Christ believe in Christ? Is Christianity true or not? etc. Hope and holy words are the main idea of the book. This work is the fruit of the intellectual and spiritual life of the Holy Father as Italian publisher Leonard Mondadori says.
In the Belarusian language |
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John Paul ²² CHRISTIFIDELES LAICI Apostolic Exhortation Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation CHRISTIFIDELES LAICI by the Holy Father John Paul II about vocation and mission of lay people in the Church and in the world 20 years after the 2nd Vatican Council.
In the Belarusian language. |
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